Wednesday, April 2, 2008


Far in the stillness a cat
Languishes loudly.
--William Ernest Henley 1888

Welcome to my first ever blog. While I have kept a journal off and on for my entire life, it has never occurred to me that others would want to read daily updates of my life or current ramblings of my brain. However, I am currently enrolled in ENG 658 Computers & Composition at CSUSB, which requires each of us to respond to weekly readings in a blog.

First, about me. My hope is to graduate this quarter with an MA in English Composition: Dual Concentration and begin a PhD program in the fall. Although I taught middle school for twelve years, I am now a full-time graduate student. My loves are reading, my cats, and my husband (not sure of the order here, though).

I am fairly adept at using the technology required of me, but I am not adventurous in trying new things. Word processing, e-mailing, internet surfing, photo imaging, creating home movies, iPod usage, and playing with my husband's Cakewalk program (for music) are all second-nature now. But if I am put in front of a different program, it can throw me for a loop. As I loathe the cell phone, I don't engage in texting, and people attempting to IM me while I am having fun on the computer are just a nuisance. I guess I like the solitary nature of much of our technology.

1 comment:

Marko said...

Sarah- That is great you will be graduating and starting a PHD. Where are you planning on doing your doctorate? I will guess not here, unless it is in something other than English.

Also, it is nice to know that others enjoy the insanity of one of the greatest and most original artists ever (Tom Waits).

Take care, and see you in class.